Monday, April 30, 2012

Printable Mom's Chore Chart

I used to clean my house when it was dirty.  If I saw something that needed cleaned, I cleaned it.  If laundry needed done, I did it.  Or I would save it all up for one day of the week and knock out all the housecleaning in a particular day.  The system worked just fine until I had a kid.  Then I had another kid and this system definititely didn't work anymore! I no longer have the luxury of stopping whatever I'm doing to clean whenever I want or devoting a whole day to cleaning. I needed to have a system where I did a little something every day, and never had to worry about getting bogged down with laundry and cleaning.  Since my kids are still a little too young to take on some of the responsibilty, I made myself a chore chart! Everyday, I have one thing to clean and one load of laundry to do.  There are also some things that have to be done daily, like dishes and sweeping. You may need to change some things to fit your house, but this is what works for me. This gets the whole house cleaned on a weekly basis and even gets the sheets washed on a weekly basis!  I'm actually excited to clean my house now...I'm thinking I need to add a place for stickers :)
Click here to print Mom's Chore Chart!
Click here to print Mom's Chore Chart - Blank Version

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